Welcome to Sterope’s documentation!

Sterope is a python3 package that implement a method based on the Dynamic Influence Network (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28866584) to analyze the sensitivity of parameter values in the response of a Rule-Based Model written in kappa (https://kappalanguage.org/)

Sterope creates models samples and analyze the Dynamic Influence Network employing the Sobol method included in the SALib python package (SALibpaper). After samples are created, Sterope simulates them in parallel employing SLURM (SLURM) or the python multiprocessing API.

Sterope is part of the plan to add methods into Pleiades (https://github.com/glucksfall/pleiades) includes a parameterization employing a Genetic Algorithm and other analysis methods that are typical of modeling frameworks like Ordinary Differential Equations.

You could write us if you wish to add methods into pleione or aid in the development of them.

Indices and tables